Thursday 26 August 2010

LAP - E-UAE (Install)

Now, download the disk format library into the /sources/amiga folder by using the LiveCD:

umount -v /media/amiga 
sudo mkdir /media/lfs 
sudo mount -v -t ext3 /dev/disk/by-label/amiga /media/lfs 
cd /media/lfs/sources/amiga
wget -O ipfdevlib_linux.tgz --

Hit enter to exit the program once 100% download has been reached. We have to use the [O] option which saves the download to the file we name after the [O] because otherwise we get a stupidly named file. The downside is we apparently need to exit the download manually by hitting enter.

In order to test the IPF support, you will obviously need a disk image in IPF format.  One of the best places to legally download these is the Dream 17 website.  Dream 17 have permission from the Amiga developer Team 17 to distribute their games.  You should download these in IPF format - if you can.  I chose to test this with Alien Breed.  Once I had downloaded the images, I uncompressed the archive and copied them into the root folder on the Amiga key with sensible names.

cd /sources/amiga
tar -xzvf ipfdevlib_linux.tgz 

tar -xjvf e-uae-0.8.29-WIP4.tar.bz2 
cd e-uae-0.8.29-WIP4 
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-jit --enable-natmem \
--enable-autoconfig --enable-threads --with-sdl-gfx \
--enable-aga --disable-scsi-device --enable-bsdsock --with-caps \
--with-caps-prefix=/sources/amiga/ipfdevlib_linux --with-alsa \
--with-x | tee config_report.txt

That is a hell of a lot more options that we have used before. Lets look at the extra ones. [jit] allows the emulator to execute 68020 code natively on your CPU. This speeds up the a1200 operation but does nothing for an a500. [natmem] works alongside [jit] and gives the emulation direct access to your system RAM. [autoconfig] turns out not to be what I thought it was. Instead of autoconfiguring the emulator, this instead autoconfigures the emulated machine to use virtual hardware that you add. Probably didn't need this before.

[threads] lets the emulator make use of any extra cores your CPU may have. [aga] allows emulation of the chipset of the a1200. [scsi-device] gets disabled because I do not intend to emulate any scsi devices AND because it has dependencies that we have not met when building the system. [bsdsock] lets the emulated amiga use the linux network connection. Essential to get internet. [caps] tells it to build in support for the IPF disk format, and [caps-prefix] tells it where to find the files we just downloaded an uncompressed. [alsa] and [x] should be self explanatory.

Lets just check it found the caps/IPF stuff:

cat config_report.txt | grep caps
checking caps/capsimage.h usability... yes
checking caps/capsimage.h presence... yes
checking for caps/capsimage.h... yes 
Well, thats good.

Test it:
./src/uae -r ~/1.3.rom -0 ~/1.3.adf

And test it with the IPF image you chose at the beginning (I went for Alien Breed):
./src/uae -r ~/1.3.rom -0 ~/ab1.ipf

That did not work. I got a warning dialogue and the following message:
Unable to open
.Failed to load CAPS plug-in.

Right, we must have to install from the IPF source as well as compiling it into e-uae. There is a readme file for the IPF source and it has the instructions for installing the library. No configure/make stuff required. We just copy the library straight to /usr/lib.

cp -v ../ipfdevlib_linux/lib/i686/ /usr/lib/

I then ran the test again and it now works just fine.  Now, finally, install e-uae and copy the documentation:

make install
install -v -d -m755 /usr/share/doc/e-uae
install -v -m644 docs/* /usr/share/doc/e-uae

Now clean up:

cd ..
rm -rvf e-uae-0.8.29-WIP4 
rm -rvf ipfdevlib_linux 

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